Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion



B Corps have inclusive and diverse work environments and contribute meaningfully to just and equitable communities.


Historic and ongoing systems that sustain and exacerbate inequality among systematically-disadvantaged groups create the need for companies to have specific and intentional plans to adopt principles of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion within their own organizations and value chains. Having a specific JEDI topic complements other topics and ensures that the actions of B Corps are channeled to positively impact systematically-disadvantaged and dominant groups alike.

Taking continuous action on JEDI is the foundation of a safe and equitable workplace that fosters belonging. JEDI principles also reflect various labor and human rights, such as freedom from discrimination and the right to decent work.


All individuals and communities affected by the company’s own operations and value chain.

  • This topic is inherently linked to all other topics as all requirements are designed to be implemented using JEDI principles.

  • JEDI and human rights have deep conceptual links with one another. Their intentions and eventual goals are the same - that all people are treated with respect and live with dignity. They remain distinct topics in these standards because at the moment they inhabit distinct spaces in sustainability and organizational change discourses. For example, frameworks, standards, tools and guidance often only concern one of the two. Human rights in the context of business (‘Business & Human Rights’) is usually framed in terms of human rights due diligence, focusing primarily on preventing harm to people. This stems from the UN Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights. JEDI on the other hand, is not explicitly rooted in any such framework and (more explicitly) refers to both the prevention of harm and pursuit of positive impacts. Over time, they are likely to converge. Within these standards, they exist as distinct topics despite their deep conceptual links to recognize that currently they do inhabit distinct spaces.

  • JEDI should be inclusive of the various social identities related to and represented in a company’s regional context. Always consider for relevancy: sex, gender identity, race, ethnicity, citizenship, sexual orientation, and differing abilities. Social identities related to Indigenous & First Nations Peoples, immigration status, caste, religion or tribe may also be relevant depending on the context. This list is non-exhaustive, meaning there may be other identities to consider based on a company’s context, region or local community.

  • Any company with fewer than ten workers is exempt from JEDI1 - The company carries out (disaggregated) data collection, analysis, and internal reporting for key people-related business actions. Any company with 0 workers is exempt because the requirement assumes a company has at least one worker. Any company with 1-9 workers is exempt because they likely have more informal ways of working, and data collection and reporting for so few workers would not only have limited positive impact but may result in unintended negative impacts.

  • Grievance and remediation procedures are covered under PSG3.


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The company carries out (disaggregated) data collection, analysis, and internal reporting for key people-related business actions.


The company implements the required number of JEDI actions. These are captured in an action plan and progress is shared with relevant stakeholders, including all workers.