Overview of the standards for B Corp Certification

Welcome to the latest draft of the standards for B Corp Certification. The first five sections on this page highlight the overall approach to these standards, answering high level questions such as ‘How are the requirements tailored to a company's context?’ and ‘How is company performance recognized?’. Further down this page, you will find the latest draft of the Impact Topics, which include the specific performance requirements that companies must meet in order to become B Corp Certified, along with helpful terms, compliance criteria, and implementation guidance. Click on the 'View details' buttons to see further information.

Note: We've translated this website in all the current languages of the B Impact Assessment, but please note that both the standards and the translations are still in draft form.

What are the requirements for B Corp Certification?

The requirements for B Corp Certification are divided into Foundation and Performance Requirements. Companies are first evaluated against Foundation Requirements to assess their eligibility to pursue B Corp Certification. To do this, they must meet specific conditions, for example completing the legal requirement. The Foundation Requirements also assist companies in preparation to engage with the Performance Requirements through understanding and learning about their business model. The Performance Requirements consist of Impact Topics relating to a company's operations, value chain, and stakeholders. The latest draft of the Performance Requirements identifies Impact Topics with clear and universally applicable impact management actions that companies must meet to achieve and maintain B Corp Certification and be differentiated as a leading company using business as a force for good. The new standards will focus on the most important social and environmental issues facing people and the planet, giving companies clarity to focus on what matters and galvanize the most impactful actions.

What are the main changes between the first and second drafts of the standards?

The latest iteration of the draft standards include more in-depth detail on what is expected from companies to meet the new standards, how they will be evaluated, and what tools and resources are available to support their implementation. Across the Impact Topics we share further detail on the Performance Requirements, and in some instances, new options for companies to meet the requirements. Overall, we have addressed prevalent feedback from the first consultation, added additional requirements to make them clearer and more impactful, tailored the requirements according to company size and sector, and included recertification requirements that support a company’s continuous improvement. This build out of the latest draft standards provides a greater opportunity for companies to understand the intended impact of the standards; get a clear picture of what is required for B Corp Certification; and to allow companies to make a fair assessment on its attainability. The latest draft standard also includes a new section on Foundation Requirements that will assess a company’s eligibility to pursue, and support a part of its preparation, for B Corp Certification.

How are the requirements tailored to a company's context?

During stakeholder engagement processes in 2021 and 2022 the need to tailor the standards according to company context was a prominent feedback theme. As such, this draft aspires to include meaningful tailoring of the standards according to a company’s size, sector, location and industry. There is a balance to strike and in this draft we have maintained the universality of the goals within each topic while making the standards actionable and relevant for companies across the globe and with varying operating contexts. To do this, we have introduced a range of tailoring strategies including differentiated sub-requirements based on size and sector and have established an equity mechanism, recognising that companies can face differing levels of operational barriers depending on location.

How is performance recognized?

Throughout this process, we have also received significant feedback highlighting a desire for company performance to continue to be recognised and differentiated across companies. This recognition motivates companies to improve their impact over time and supports them in further learning and prioritizing efforts. As we move away from an 80 point threshold in the current standards to specific requirements across Impact Topics, this latest draft of the standards shares a new model for your consideration: 1. The first element relates to the Performance Requirements, specifically how companies are performing against the sub-requirements in each Impact Topic and if they ‘Do not meet’, ‘Meet’ or ‘Exceed’ these requirements. 2. The second element relates to company performance across Impact Business Models (IBMs), being the way that a business is designed to create a specific positive benefit/outcome for one of its stakeholders. Companies possessing IBMs would receive public recognition, for example having their tier of performance published on their B Corp Public Profile, categorized as either “Developing”, “Advanced”, “Outstanding”, or “Leader”.

How are companies incentivized to improve?

Changing the economic system requires continuous improvement and continuous effort. The latest draft standards embody this spirit, driving business impact though both mandatory and ‘above and beyond’ measures. Mandatory improvements include an expectation on companies to set improvement goals and demonstrate progress within Complementary Impact Topics and progress against the Recertification Performance Requirements. These draft standards also encourage companies to go ‘above and beyond’ to improve in other ways over time; while not “requiring” such improvement to ‘meet’ the requirements for B Corp certification, companies are encouraged to continue efforts to ‘exceed’ their performance on requirements and develop Impact Business Models to grow over time.

Impact Topics overview

The filter below is personalised to you, based on the data you shared in the previous form. This filter is applied to share the Impact Topics, requirements and feedback questions that are most relevant to your company context. If an Impact Topic or requirement seems to be missing, this is because is isn't applicable to your company. Please keep the pre-selected filter while sharing feedback; this ensures that your feedback is representative of your company, allowing B Lab to better understand and analyze your answers. After you’ve shared feedback and hit Submit at the bottom of this page, you are welcome to change the filter to explore other standards.

Foundation Requirements

Foundation Requirements

  • FR1

    The company fulfills the eligibility requirements for B Corp Certification.

  • FR2

    The company adopts the B Corp legal requirement and commits to support the B Corp community’s collective purpose.

  • FR3

    The company completes the B Lab Risk Assessment (under review and outcomes forthcoming)

  • FR4

    The company completes the Impact Business Models assessment.

Purpose & Stakeholder Governance

Purpose & Stakeholder Governance

  • PSG1

    The company has a defined public purpose contributing to a material positive impact on society and the environment.

  • PSG2

    The company considers impacts on stakeholders in decision making.

  • PSG3

    The company has adequate grievance procedures to receive, respond, and seek resolution to stakeholder grievances.

  • PSG4

    The company manages marketing and communications activities responsibly.

  • PSG5

    The company’s highest governing body has an explicit oversight role in monitoring the company's social and environmental impact and stakeholder considerations.

  • PSG6

    The company is transparent about its social and environmental performance and its progress against the B Corp requirements.

Workplace Culture

Workplace Culture

  • WC1

    The company enables workplace dialogue, seeks worker feedback and considers the feedback in decision-making.

  • WC2

    The company measures workplace culture and takes action to improve it.

Fair Wages

Fair Wages

  • FW1

    The company takes meaningful action towards wage equity.

  • FW2

    The company pays workers a living wage or collectively-bargained wage.

  • FW3

    The company takes meaningful action to enable suppliers to pay living wages/incomes.

Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

  • JEDI1

    The company carries out (disaggregated) data collection, analysis, and internal reporting for key people-related business actions.

  • JEDI2

    The company implements the required number of JEDI actions. These are captured in an action plan and progress is shared with relevant stakeholders, including all workers.

Human Rights

Human Rights

  • HR1

    The company commits to respecting human rights.

  • HR2

    The company knows its salient human rights issues and has a strategy to address them.

  • HR3

    The company assesses, prevents and mitigates actual and potential negative human rights impacts.

  • HR4

    The company works with suppliers to achieve its human rights objectives and to attain traceability in the supply chain.

Climate Action

Climate Action

  • CA1

    The company measures its Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions annually.

  • CA2

    The company sets a science based target to keep global warming below 1.5 °C

  • CA3

    The company implements a climate transition plan.

Environmental Stewardship & Circularity

Environmental Stewardship & Circularity

  • ESC1

    The company knows its (potential) impacts on the environment.

  • ESC2

    The company has a strategy to address its actual and potential negative environmental impacts, and to pursue efforts to stay within ecological thresholds.

  • ESC3

    The company has a circular economy strategy.

  • ESC4

    The company prevents and mitigates its actual and potential negative environmental impacts.

  • ESC5

    The company works with suppliers to achieve its environmental objectives and to attain traceability in the supply chain.

Government Affairs & Collective Action

Government Affairs & Collective Action

  • GACA1

    The company follows a responsible lobbying approach and is transparent about it.

  • GACA2

    The company takes action with other stakeholders to increase positive collective social and/or environmental impacts at policy, industry, and/or business community levels.

  • GACA3

    The company demonstrates transparency on their approach to taxation.

Complementary Impact Topics

Complementary Impact Topics

  • CIT1

    The company diligently measures its impact against Complementary Impact Topics.

  • CIT2

    The company publicly commits and progresses against improvement goals on the most material themes.