Workplace Culture

Workplace Culture



B Corps have positive workplace cultures with meaningful workplace dialogue.


Workers’ priorities and issues vary depending on the context, making it important they can advocate for their specific interests. This is what makes workplace dialogue so fundamental. Companies should actively seek worker feedback and consider it when making decisions. It is a vital ingredient for creating positive workplace cultures and an important part of the B Lab community's shared vision for stakeholder governance in the workplace.

Workplace culture refers to the attitudes, beliefs, and values within a workplace that influence many aspects of workers’ experiences, such as those related to workers’ sense of satisfaction, belonging, shared purpose, psychological safety, engagement, and happiness. A positive workplace culture exists when workers have positive experiences and there is ongoing dialogue. Positive workplace culture helps create a sense of shared purpose, which is vital for the success of purpose-driven companies. Therefore, the concepts of workplace culture, workplace dialogue, and shared purpose are intertwined.


Workers in the company’s own operations.

  • Improving workplace culture in the supply chain falls under the Human Rights topic.

  • Grievance and remediation procedures are covered in the Purpose & Stakeholder Governance topic (PSG3).

  • There are two Impact Business Models that focus on workers in the company’s own operations: Workforce Development and Worker Ownership.

  • Companies without workers are exempt from all requirements in this topic.


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The company enables workplace dialogue, seeks worker feedback and considers the feedback in decision-making.


The company measures workplace culture and takes action to improve it.