Purpose & Stakeholder Governance

Purpose & Stakeholder Governance



B Corps act in accordance with a defined purpose, contributing to an inclusive, equitable, and regenerative economic system for all people and the planet. This is realized through embedding stakeholder governance in decision making, adequately responding to grievances and following responsible and transparent communication on its social and environmental impacts.


One of the core aspects of B Corp Certification, and its Theory of Change, is the B Corp legal requirement - a change in a company’s governance structure to require the consideration of stakeholders in its decision making. As that legal change is not available in all jurisdictions, and to ensure that each company is acting on the letter and spirit of that legal change whether available or not, aligning a company's corporate purpose with positive social and environmental goals, creating governance structures to fulfill those goals, considering impacts on stakeholders, and establishing responsible and transparent communications on its progress, is essential to what it means to be a B Corp, and to achieve an equitable, inclusive and regenerative economy.


Individuals, communities, species and aspects of the environment affected by the company’s own operations and value chain.


Accountability for and reporting on the B Corp certification requirements for other topics in the B Corp standards is covered under this topic.


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The company has a defined public purpose contributing to a material positive impact on society and the environment.


The company considers impacts on stakeholders in decision making.


The company has adequate grievance procedures to receive, respond, and seek resolution to stakeholder grievances.


The company manages marketing and communications activities responsibly.


The company’s highest governing body has an explicit oversight role in monitoring the company's social and environmental impact and stakeholder considerations.


The company is transparent about its social and environmental performance and its progress against the B Corp requirements.