Foundation Requirements

Foundation Requirements



Companies have a solid foundation on which to pursue the Impact Topic Requirements and attain B Corp Certification.


Prior to meeting the Performance Requirements for B Corp Certification, a company will be evaluated against the Foundation Requirements. This is to ensure a company is able to fulfill the eligibility requirements to qualify for pursuing B Corp certification including that they are in operation for at least 12 months, operating in industries and with practices aligned with B Lab’s Theory of Change and mission, in accordance with relevant laws and agree to exhibit transparency on its performance as a B Corp once certified. It also captures requirements related to a company’s adoption of the legal requirement for B Corp certification and its commitment to support the B Corp community’s collective purpose towards supporting an economy that is equitable, inclusive, and regenerative. The purpose of the Impact Business Model Assessment is to enable all companies to learn how their business models can be designed to create specific positive social and/or environmental impact and to recognize those companies that have an Impact Business Model.  


The company entity(s) pursuing B Corp Certification

  • The Purpose and Stakeholder Governance (PSG) Impact Topic is inextricably linked to supporting and demonstrating the implementation of a company’s adoption of the B Corp legal requirement and its stakeholder governance.

  • While performing on an Impact Business Model is not a requirement of B Corp Certification, companies that perform at a certain degree of intensity and magnitude in one or more Impact Business Models (measured in terms of points) have access to more flexibility in how they meet the performance requirements of B Corp Certification and receive public recognition. These benefits aim to differentiate and recognize the impact of companies that create positive outcomes through the core of their business, beyond managing the impact of its operations. See how performance on Impact Business Models is recognized in the “How is performance recognized?”  microsite section.  

  • There are 24 distinct Impact Business Models included in the B Impact Assessment and 11 industry-specific Impact Business Models (‘Addenda’), with various nuances and differentiations in each of them. 


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The company fulfills the eligibility requirements for B Corp Certification.


The company adopts the B Corp legal requirement and commits to support the B Corp community’s collective purpose.


The company completes the B Lab Risk Assessment (under review and outcomes forthcoming)


The company completes the Impact Business Models assessment.